HEMA Japan
HEMAとは? What is HEMA?
Historical European Martial Art (HEMA)の略で、日本語では西洋剣術とも呼べます。現在のHEMAは中世期から近世の間に使われた武術を勉強し、実際にバトルするというスポーツです。歴史的に正確な武器や装備を使うHEMAグループもありますが、基本的には剣道のように伝統武術を近代なスポーツ感覚で楽しむのが目標です。日本ではHEMAはまだまだ知られていませんが、他のHEMA好きと繋がりスパーリングしたいという思いからこのグループを作りました。
Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) is the study and practice of various forms of European armed (swords, shields, etc) combat.
Due to the various restrictions on bladed weapons in Japan, and our group's goal of being as free or low cost as possible, we will focus mainly on synthetic weapons (such as borrowing shinai from kendo, and HEMA rated plastic weapons).
HEMA is not cosplay and period correct garb (garments) is not required. Though you certainly CAN do so if you like.
Our focus is on having fun and enjoying the exercise that comes from studying real (or close to real) sword combat.